Illusionsandrealities's Blog

February 28, 2014

Simple Math on Un-affordable Care Act

There are so many ways to start this article that it is difficult to choose how to proceed.

Do I imply that the elite (any Democrat and media “ass” sniffer (if offended, please keep reading, I will accept your apology later) – which is almost anyone who works in the media – from here on out will be known as media elite) in this country is out of touch?

Do I ask how anyone who thinks ObamaCare is a great idea or good for this country can be so incredibly stupid?  And do I imply that the 40 odd percent of the public who still hold onto belief that this was a good bill are the reason I believe we are too far gone as a country to ever recover?

Do I point out that any politician who has a “D” behind their name is either a Marxist or an idiot? These are the people who shoved what is called the Affordable (‘ehem) Health Care Act up our collective rear ends (prostrate check, please). Yes ladies, we need to check your prostrate since us men are now covered for any oncoming pregnancy, please put your elbows on the table and assume the position.

(BTW – please don’t be fooled by any Democrats change in position now that the evidence of its massive coming failure is fully upon us. Their ultimate solution was their end-game to start. Which is fully government run: aka “single payer” health care. They just need another election or two to fully implement, thus the change in stance from their first vote. Let’s just put them in the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” category.)

What really comes down as the truth is the “elite”:

Democrats led by King B. Obama are Marxists. The last bastion that needed to be tackled to have government completely run our lives was health care and they got it. Thank you Mr. Roberts!

Many in the media elite are complicit in their thoughts of government control and believe they themselves will be taken care of with wonderful living benefits for themselves that the ruling class enjoys under such a government system.

Or, they fall into the idiot category and can’t think for themselves.

My stance on the elitist Republicans (yes, they exist) is they are too cowardly to go on a full frontal assault against the Democrats and their allies in the media. They understand what the Dems really stand for, but if they go along to get along they believe, such as the media elite do, that they too will be taken care of at the end of the day.

Then there are the true heroes that play in the Republican’s sandbox….these individuals are what the elitists like to call “Tea Baggers.” These people are willing to fight; there are just not enough of them in the Republican Party to make a change. There are enough to block, but not enough to score.

So, basically it comes down to this. Either the Democrats and Obama passed this monstrosity knowing full well what would come of it or they were too stupid to know what the outcome would be of the bill they passed.

I am going to give them a little credit…..they are NOT that stupid.

They simply are that EVIL –  as their ultimate goal is EVIL (aka: full control over our lives).

Now that I am done with my brilliant rant – let’s get into the numbers.

On February 14, 2014 John McCormack of The Weekly Standard wrote a Blog entitled: Watch Out for Obamacare’s Subsidy Cliff: Earn $1 More in Wages, and You Could Pay $20,000 More for Insurance ( ).

He took a married couple, both 55 years old from St. Croix County, Wisconsin and checked rates for the Bronze plan under ObamaCare.

With an annual income of $62,040 they would qualify for the subsidy and have a monthly premium of $211.00 along with a $6300 individual deductable and a $12,700 family deductable (before one dime of cost is covered in any way by the insurance purchased). This we are told by our elitist friends (discussed earlier) is a WONDERFUL insurance program. So, WONDERFUL that we are told it is AFFORDABLE. And IT IS AFFORDABLE simply because the elitist’s (headed by his highness B. Obama) tell us it is, so it must be.

But wait; what if this couple made $1 more over the year and instead of making $60,040 they made $60,041? Well, now they are wealthy and are not in need of the subsidy so, their premium will be ONLY $1,342 per month.

(Quick explanation of what a subsidy is: the government will take some of our income/earnings (tax) since they don’t believe we know how to spend our money properly and give it back to us to use in order to help offset the cost of our health insurance premium. Aren’t they the BEST! They must really have our best interests in mind. They love us! – Unless any of us make $1 too much…then…..)

….These greedy people can afford to buy their own damn health insurance without the help of the American taxpayer. In fact they are so rich; they can afford to pay the taxes to help subsidize the less fortunate who make $1 less than they did without getting any subsidy in return for themselves.

Each family has a different situation when it comes to income/expenses. Where one lives makes a difference on taxes paid and overall cost of living.

In order to make my direct points I need to take a basic and simplest approach to why this plan was intended to fail from the beginning. The elitists are not so dumb that they themselves can’t do simple math to see the Affordable Care Act is in fact, Unaffordable.

I simply went to to get basic percentages of household spending. They claim the percentages each family spends on:

Transportation – 14%

Food – 14%

Housing – 24% (25%-35% is what “experts” recommend)

Utilities – 5% – 10%

Entertainment – 5%-9%

Debt Repayments – 12%

Charity – 4%

Health Care – 6% (5%-10%)

If I were to take the lowest percentage of each category with a range and leave out Health Care it would eat up 78% of the average families’ budget. If I took the median number it would be 82% (again, excluding Health Care).

Can anyone see any other potential category that is missing?

How about TAXES, retirement savings, education (private), insurance, clothing, incidentals, household goods/furnishings, computers/tablets/laptops, tv/internet/cell phone, child support, and any other expenses that comes to your mind.

We are to believe that the remaining 18%-22% of our income will cover the above not included list, plus our health costs/insurance? Maybe it will in Washington D.C., but not in the rest of America.

Let’s go back to our couple used by the TWS Blog with the $62,040/$62,041 income and the chosen Bronze ObamaCare Plan.

With the subsidy ($62,040 income) the premiums will total $2,532 per year. Before anything will be partially covered by the insurance the total out of pocket expense will be between $8,832 and $15,232 of income. That comes to anywhere between 14% – 25% of income depending on need.

Without the subsidy ($62,041 income), our rich friends can expect to pay $16,104 per year in premiums. With a total out of pocket between $22,404 and $28,804 which comes to 36% – 46% of annual income. (And you thought I was being obnoxious by calling the media “ass” sniffers. Feel free to take back your thoughts now; I accept your apology.)


So, you can see my friends, this was a set up from the beginning. Even with the subsidy, the Affordable HealthCare Act was simply Unaffordable all along!

If it wasn’t a set-up, it shows how STUPID our leaders really are…..and if you voted for them (any Democrat from Obama on down), well……I’m just sayin’.

Now I know many of you, in fact most of you, are looking at this and thinking; this doesn’t affect me.

Well, it does. You see, your employer paid benefits will soon be going by the wayside.

Why do you think the King (Obama) illegally pushed off the employee mandate until after the elections?

Welcome to my world in a year or two………

But wait, the elitists have come up with GREAT news for all of us dumb people. We can now eliminate the dreaded working condition known as JOB LOCK. We can actually decide if we want to work or have our fellow citizens cover all of our expenses….and they claim they are not Marxists…..Yeah, I’m the idiot. This was actually said (JOB LOCK) by Jay Carney who is the mouthpiece for the King along with all elitist leaders and their ass sniffers reporting it as good news.

I could go on and on about ObamaCare and the lies that are told using the numbers of insured vs. uninsured. Signups vs. paid vs. Medicaid.

Example: In the beginning, 40 million uninsured, hope 7 million sign up, 6 million lose insurance (that would mean 13 million would be the new sign up number – never discussed anywhere), 3.3 million signed up as of Feb 12, 2014 (doesn’t mean paid for) which would be more uninsured before law was enacted (this is a SUCCESS to the elitists), and more people on Medicaid (woe, that won’t help bankrupt us). But, I digress…I made my point.


This was a set up from the beginning. The elitists cant’ be this stupid….can they?

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